New to Yoga?

Considerations on Class Attendance:

  • What to wear? Wear comfortable clothes that will not restrict your movement. Leggings, athletic shorts, sports tops, or T-shirts are good options. Try to avoid very baggy articles of clothing that hide your posture. In winter, temperatures in some locations might be cool so a long-sleeved top might be a good addition to the beginning and end of practice.
  • What to bring to class: Bring your yoga mat. If you have a strap, and blocks, consider bringing them. Some props will be provided such as blocks, blankets, and bolsters.
  • Eating before class? Try to avoid eating a big meal at least 2 hours before class. Practicing on a full stomach can disrupt digestion, cause indigestion, lead to heartburn, and interfere with your ability to move comfortably in some poses.
  • Beverages? It is important to stay hydrated but do avoid drinking large quantities of liquid shortly before class.
  • Do not attend class if you have consumed alcohol within 4 hours before the start of class.
  • Etiquette: Arrive 5 to 10 minutes before class to set up your spot for practice and gather needed props so that the class can start on time without interruptions. Life happens, if you are delayed in arriving on time, enter the room as quietly as possible, unroll your mat, and join the class. The teacher can bring any props you may need during the class.
  • In case of illness: Thankfully the pandemic is behind us. That said, plenty of viruses, including Covid-19, are still actively circulating in the population. If you are not feeling well and suspect you are contagious, please stay home.
  • Recent events or air travel: If you have recently traveled by air, attended a crowded event, or know you have been in contact with someone sick, please consider wearing a mask to class.